How To Add Product?


How To Add Product in GROW10X.Business Hub by Crudoimage Design

How to Add Product: 5 Easy Steps

Step 1: Click on Purchase

  • Look for “Purchase” on the left side of the screen. It’s where you manage buying items for your business.

Step 2: Click on Products

  • Under “Purchase,” click on “Products.” This is where you manage the list of items your company sells.

Step 3: Add Product

  • Click on the “Add Product” option located in the top left corner. This enables you to easily add a new product to the list.

Step 4: Product Details

  • After selecting “Add Product,” provide the necessary information about the product. This might include its name, description, price, and any other relevant details.

Step 5: Click on Save

  • Once you’ve filled out all the information, click the “Save” button located in the bottom left corner to save the product details.
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